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January 16, 2008



Our craft rooms are our "play rooms".

Can I come to look through yours? Touch all the pretties and sift through the beautiful stuff? I suppose I could always help tidy in return..... maybe.............................if I hafta..........

but, seriously...what a lovely bunch of stuff.

Andrea S.

oh my goodness....this is paradise Dawn!!


I hear you!! I need to do my studio/office over. I am working on it slowly.
Have a great day!


Your craft room would be a dream come true to rummage through!!!

I love a to do list... like you say it helps keep you focused!!

Good luck and keep going,


Beth Leintz

Oh I LOVE your craft room- beautiful pictures. I'd be happy to come and help you straighten just to get a look inside those boxes!


"Is it a problem..?", you ask? Nope - doesn't look like a problem to me!! Looks like bunches and piles of gorgeousness that I would love to have!

Pinkie Denise

Wow, such pretties in your craft room! Love all your vintage wallpaper....So very lovely
it all is and inspiring, I need to straighten
mine Pinkie Denise


what fun goodies you have!


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who is constantly trying to "organize" the "goodies". Love all your pretties, though. Have a wonderful day!


very inspirational! I am sifting through my stuff as well; the mounds of stuff wondering if I will complete this project or that; parting with items; wondering why I continue to drag some things with me.
enjoyed my visit today


oh what lovely things you have.Love your boxes , the board and the wallpapers


oh what lovely things you have.Love your boxes , the board and the wallpapers


I came across your Blog - and the wallpaper - 2nd photo down - to the far left of your papers looks as if it might be our bedroom wallpaper! ( which I confess has been up for years as we love it so much! If you check my blog it is under the heading Billy Budgie. Your photos are lovely - not sure I have the courage to photograph my craft room! Best wishes, Andrina

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