I am taking a few days off from working right now. I've left my part-time job at a magazine and will be going back to work full-time. I am thrilled to be starting this new position working for a wonderful non-profit organization and am eager to get involved again. I've not worked full-time for three years and am lucky to have a bit of time to try and get my life in order before the craziness starts. Of course, that is my intention but I have a LONG list of things that I want to do so we'll just have to see what gets done...
First on my list is getting childcare in order, so I met with an after-school program director the other day. I had spoken to her at the beginning of the school year but her program (the best in our neighborhood) was full so we went onto the wait list. Later, she called to let me know of an opening but I wasn't sure that I wanted to move Ava from her current program. Now, we do and when the director pulled up my file, there was a little note in the comments field that was more fitting than she could even imagine...
It said, " Dawn Pagano - doesn't know what she is doing" .
She was so embarrassed! I couldn't help asking, "Gosh, is it really that obvious?" LOL. I just hope that's not what's on my tombstone!
I guess that I had better get started on that To Do List.
Have a wonderful day, friends!
Good luck bringing everything to order before you begin full time work. How nice to start a new year with a new challenge to get your teeth into.
Best Wishes
Posted by: Victoria | January 10, 2008 at 03:33 PM
Good luck with your new job!!
I'm sure you will be wonderful at it!
Posted by: Rosemary | January 10, 2008 at 06:14 PM
Hello Dawn! Happy New year to you!! Good luck this year with your new job and the many changes you will be going through.
xo Heather
Posted by: Heather- Pretty Petals | January 10, 2008 at 10:08 PM
Love all the sweet dollies, good luck with your new job too, Pinkie Denise
Posted by: Pinkie Denise | January 13, 2008 at 01:17 AM